Group Mexican Cooking Class: Fajitas with Beans & Guacamole

Classes Available

- Times: Select a time available in the calendar or pre-arrange a time with Camilla.
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Maximum: 30 people Beef & Vegetable marinade:

- Canola/peanut oil- ¼ cup
- Coriander root/stem of bunch of, finely sliced
- Cumin- 1 tsp
- Paprika- 2 tsp
- Chili powder- ¼- ½ tsp
- Garlic-sliced- 2 cloves thinly sliced
- Tumeric ground- ½ tsp
- Beef strips- 600 grams
- Onion- 1 large cut into strips
- Capsicum-1-2 peppers cut into strips the same size as beef Guacamole

- 2 Avocados
- 1 sml clove garlic (optional)
- 1 sml red onion
- Juice of one lime
- 1 tomato diced
- 1/3 c coriander
- 1 Jalapeno (optional) Pinto beans

- Pinto beans- 1 can
- Cheese-3/4 cup danish feta

Menu can be adapted, in consultation with Camilla to suit the tastes & dietary requirements of the occasion & group.   Equipment

- Medium bowl
- cup and teaspoon measurements
- chopping board
- chefs knife
- small bowl
- small saucepan, with lid
- wok or large frying pan with lid
- tongs
- wooden spoon or spatula

Golden Bay Glampng
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