Lemon Necklace


In many cultures, lemons symbolise purity and cleansing. Their acidic properties are believed to purify and ward off negative energies, making them popular ingredients in rituals and ceremonies aimed at spiritual or physical cleansing.

Due to their refreshing taste and invigorating scent, lemons are often associated with vitality and energy. They are seen as symbols of rejuvenation and renewal, bringing a sense of freshness and vigour to both body and spirit.

Some folklore traditions consider lemons to be protective charms against evil spirits or bad luck. Hanging lemon leaves or placing lemons in the home is believed to ward off negative influences and bring good fortune.

In Mediterranean folklore, the lemon tree is often regarded as a symbol of prosperity and abundance. It is believed that planting a lemon tree near one's home brings luck and ensures a bountiful harvest.

The tradition of setting up lemonade stands, particularly popular in Western countries, is believed to have originated in the early 19th century. Children would sell homemade lemonade as a way to earn pocket money during the summer months.


Metal: Sterling silver

Measurement: 7.6 mm x 14.5 mm, chain 45 cm

Finish: Polished or satin finish

Winter in July
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