Big Beer Box


A selection of twelve delicious Waitoa beers, picked by our head brewer Tommy and a Waitoa Badge Tee. Whether it's a gift for one of the fam or a treat for yourself this box is sure to hit the spot.

1 x Mosaniac Single Hop IPA 6.0%, 440m
1 x Island Hopper Pacific IPA, 6.3% 440ml
1 x Citranova Single Hop IPA 6.0%, 440ml
1 x Dreamwave Hazy IPA 6.0%, 440ml
1 x Afterglow Hazy IPA 6.7%, 440ml
1 x Tropadrop Tropical Sour 4.5%, 440ml
6 x Dayglow Hazy IPA, 330ml
1x Waitoa Badge Tee - Natural

Label designs may vary from those in the image.

Waitoa Beer
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