Premium Organic Ceremonial Matcha


Discover a world of exquisite matcha, lovingly crafted in Uji, Japan.

Delight in its delicate flavour and be whisked away to a place of tranquility and peace. Each leaf is picked with utmost care during the Spring, when they are most soft and sweet, and then carefully steamed and dried before being patiently stone ground.

Our organic matcha is rich in umami flavours and its vivid green colour speaks to its superior quality. Its bold, full-bodied flavour is best enjoyed with just water, hot or cold. A perfect drink for everyday indulgence!

- 100%

- Stone ground into the finest whisking matcha powder

- Rich, umami flavours
- Super FRESH!  Recommended Serving Size

- MILD (Usui) - Straight: 1/4 tsp (3 gm)

Origin: Uji, Japan

Size: 50 g Net Serving Suggestion

Simply add 1/2 tsp. of matcha to a cup or bowl (chawan).  Add ~80 ml of hot water (~80 degrees).  Whisk until lather forms.  Relax & enjoy.

Additional Information

This product has JONA organic certification issued by JAS.  To achieve this level of certification, the crop and processes relating to producing the matcha, need to have been chemical free for 4 years of operation.

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