Organic Matcha & Houjicha Set


Haru Ceremonial Grade Organic Matcha & Honoka is for those that like the best of the best.

Haru Matcha is made from the finest spring picked leaves to produce a lovely clean matcha.  Loaded with l-theanine, it aids in a prolonged caffeine lift without the jitters & anxiety often found with coffee.  This matcha is used in tea ceremony, providing a calm focus. 

Honoka Houjicha tea is a low caffeine alternative & full of lovely roasted flavours.  Hojicha can be enjoyed hot or cold, straight or as a latte.  If you are feeling adventurous, try this powder sprinkled on vanilla Ice Cream or crafted into a delicious macaroon.

  Tea Set:

50g Wabi Haru Organic Matcha 20g Wabi Honoka Houjicha Powder


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