Vanilla Hayes

Semi-custom wedding invitation and save the date wedding stationery available to order online with a selection of stylish designs and colours ready to be personalised with your details, professionally printed and delivered free to your door
  • $4 +
    All save the date orders come standard with unprinted white envelopes. If you’d prefer to swap them for some colour you can upgrade to one of our 16 colour options. Take your pick!When you have completed your order via the checkout you will be sent a confirmation email with a link to supply the...
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  • $60 +
    Print envelope back onlyWe’ll add your return address to the back of your mailing envelopes in fonts to match the card inside.Print envelope front onlyPersonalise your envelopes with the name/s and mailing address of your guests in fonts to match the card inside. We’ll provide a spreadsh...
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