
The TIMBERWALL wood wall collection reflects our vision of affordable and accessible design. We love wood, plain and simple. It connects us with nature and defines us as a company. It allows us to creatively express ourselves. Wood in any shape or form inspires us to push boundaries of design and innovation
  • $166 +
    Weld - Copper
    Inspired by nature, childhood memories of the outdoors, and a love of design, Timberwall’s captivating products have made their way to New Zealand. - Each box contains 13 pieces and is approxÂ...
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  • $166 +
    Weld - Silver
    Inspired by nature, childhood memories of the outdoors, and a love of design, Timberwall’s captivating products have made their way to New Zealand. - Each box contains 13 pieces and is approxÂ...
    Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0