Pregnancy & Postpartum Mini Organic Tea

Support your body - reduce anxiety - boost your immunity

This 100% safe, organic, nutritious & relaxing blend of botanical teas have been formulated to provide support during your third trimester of pregnancy & postpartum recovery, helping you to relax your body, reduce anxiety, encourage better sleep and boost your immune system.

10g per pack (6-8 servings) Select from: Soothing Pregnancy Tea

Helping to support digestion, improve energy and strengthen the uterus in preparation for birth. Ingredients: Raspberry Leaf, Nettle, Oatstraw and Rosehip. Perfect for use after 32 weeks. 1-3 cups per day. Relieving Pregnancy Tea

Easing tummy discomfort and supporting digestive function, this beautiful organic tea, strengthens the uterus in preparation for birth, reduces inflammation and restores lost energy. Ingredients: Raspberry Leaf, Nettle, Oatstraw, Rosehip & Ginger.  Perfect  for use after 32 weeks. 1-3 cups per day. Emotional Recovery Postpartum Tea

Soothing the nervous system, reducing anxiety and insomnia and helping balance emotions during postpartum recovery. A beautiful tea to have on hand for when you have given birth. Ingredients: Calendula, Rose Petals, Lemon Balm. 1-3 cups per day postpartum. Physical Recovery Postpartum Tea

A healing blend of anti-inflammatory, calming and immune-boosting botanicals to help heal and support your body through postpartum recovery. Formulated with St John's Wort for its calming and uplifting benefits. Ingredients: Raspberry Leaf, St John's Wort, Calendula, Rosehip. 1-3 cups per day postpartum.

The Nurtured Collection tea blends have been lovingly formulated by a Doula and Childbirth Educator, and approved by a Naturopath & Herbalist. These  teas are 100% safe for use during pregnancy from 32 weeks and postpartum. 1-3 cups per day is recommended. Instructions:

- Hot Brew:  Pour 250ml boiling water over 1 - 2 heaped teaspoons (per serving) over tea leaves and let steep for 6 - 8 minutes. Strain and enjoy - sweeten with a little honey if desired. 
- Cold Brew:  Follow instructions of the hot brew, after straining pop into the fridge for desired temperature. Add ice cubes for an extra refreshing drink. 
- Serving: 30g (20-25 cups)
- Recommended dosage: drink up to 3 cups per day (along with your regular water intake).
- Storage: Keep sealed in a dry place, out of direct sunlight. Ingredients hand packed therefore may settle, stir to mix and balance ingredients. 

Loose leaf tea, 100% natural organic ingredients, caffeine free, vegan friendly. No additives or preservatives.

Do you need some biodegradable tea bags?

The Nurtured Collection's range of products are not intended to be used in place of any treatment or advice from your health practitioner. Please check with your chosen health professional if you have any concerns about using any of the specific herbs, particularly if you are on existing medication.

SHIPPING NOTE: If you purchase this product at the same time as booking a TENS machine, your product will be shipped (for FREE) with your TENS. If you prefer to receive this item straight away, please place a separate order from your booking.

Natalcare NZ
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