Baby Sinus Soother - Mist, Balm or Oil

An ESSENTIAL for your baby's first aid kit

All babies get colds and viruses and you'll want to be prepared with the essentials to help relieve their congestion and discomforts.

This beautiful 100% safe blend of oils is used to clear baby's blocked nose and aid their respiratory system. It smells delicious and is an absolute lifesaver for those sinus snuffles.

Baby Sinus Soother comes in either a Mist, Balm or Oil.

This organic combination of safe oils are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, aid the respiratory system and clear congestion while helping boost the immune system.

Also a good option for the hay fever sufferers in your family.

100% therapeutic & organic essential oils safe for children and babies 3 months. Select from: Baby Sinus Soother Mist - 100ml

Safe for babies over 3 months when sprayed in their air above (not directly onto baby's skin).  For older children age 1.5 years and up, spray in their air above for them to naturally inhale or spray onto their chest, back or the soles of the feet. Spray onto clothing or pillow. Baby Sinus Soother Oil - 5ml

Safe for babies over 3 months. Use this pure oil blend in your humidifier or diffuser. Add 1-3 drops (depending on your room size). Do not inhale pure oil blends and do not apply directly to the skin. Baby Sinus Soother Balm - 30g

Safe for babies over 1.5 years. This beautiful balm is the ideal replacement to vapor rubs. Apply to back, chest and soles of the feet to help clear respiratory system, and ease coughing.  Ingredients: Organic

Spearmint , Marjoram Sweet , Cedarwood, Mandarin, Juniper Berry , Black Spruce & Purified Water. Balm also contains Sweet Almond & Candelilla wax base. 

Always patch test before use. Store below 30 degrees. Keep out of reach of children and out of direct sunlight.

SHIPPING NOTE:  If you purchase this product at the same time as booking a TENS machine, your product will be shipped (for FREE) with your TENS. If you prefer to receive this item straight away, please place a separate order from your booking.

Natalcare NZ
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