Helmar Spray Adhesive 350g

Artist supply: Helmar Spray Adhesive 350g
This spray will bond fabrics, paper, cardboard, flat P.V.C., foils, urethane & rubber foams, vellum, cork & most general art & craft materials.
Takapuna Art Supplies (World H...
Use for mounting photographs, posters, artwork, layouts, prints, etc. Use for temporary bond to hold stencils in place, Lightly spray reverse side and wait 2-5 minutes for adhesive to become tacky. Use for a temporary bond for screen-printing. Lightly spray palette to hold t-shirt flat prior to screen-printing. Use for textile fabric cutting. Lightly spray on reverse side of pattern paper and wait 2-5 minutes for adhesive to become tacky then place pattern on to fabric. This will hold in place whilst cutting fabric.
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