Coralie • FREE printable



A gorgeous art print, exclusive to the Wildflower mini-collection.

Coralie  is the result of a "Draw this is Your Style (DTIYS)" challenge by amazing artist Monika Szczerbińska to celebrate her 50k followers on instagram! You can find her work here:  @och monika

You will receive: A PDF print-ready file ready to download instantly! This is set to A4 in size, but the framed area is set to 5x7". A logo watermark is included in the bottom right corner of the image. The  Wildflower  mini-collection is designed to brighten up your home or work space amidst the looming winter months ahead. Each piece is hand-drawn in pretty coral and  jade  colours, and accented with abstract tulips and wildflowers, reminiscent of picnics in the hillside on summer days. May these cute pieces make your dreary winter season full of colour and brighter days! © Copyright Studio Jay (2021).
Created and printed in Christchurch, NZ.
Colours on the images may vary from device to device and may appear brighter on your screen than the actual printed keepsake will be.

Studio Jay
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