Top Bloke Gift Box


A top gift idea for a top bloke. This thoughtfully arranged gift box contains everything needed to celebrate a special occasion. The best food snacks and a tasty Kiwi beer to complement.

This Gift Box Includes:

- Good George IPA Squealer 946ml
- Sgt. Pepper's Four Pepper Beef Jerky 40g
- Ghiotti Kalamata Olives 300g
- Proper Crisps Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar 40g
- Rosenborg Danish Brie 125g
- Rutherford & Meyer Garlic & Olive Oil Gourmet Wafers 60g
- Lemongrass & Lime Cashews 95g
- Bridge Hill Three Dried Fruits 150g
- Kiwi Favourites Pineapple Chunks 100g
- Custom Gift Card

Free delivery included  on all gift box orders!

In the event that a particular gift box item is , it will be substituted with a similar item of equal or greater value.

Simply Because
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