Silver Science

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  • $35 +
    DNA Earrings
    DNA is the molecule that carries all the instructions to make you, you. All life has DNA. You get your DNA from your parents. However, mutations in DNA can occur, which, together with evolution through natural selection is why life can be so varied.The DNA double helix shape represents the two strands of DNA joined together by theme bases (the ‘rungs’ in the ladder).Pendant size: 8x33mm
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  • $26.95 +
    Dopamine Earrings
    Dopamine is a chemical neurons (brain cells) use to communicate. Dopamine is how our brain tells us we are having fun. Dopamine acts in the rewards pathway that contributes to you receiving feelings of happiness, well-being and desire.Alterations in the dopamine pathway are associated with Parkinson’s disease, ADHD, schizophrenia, depression and drug addiction.Pendant size: 24x10mm
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  • $30 +
    Caffeine Earrings
    Caffeine is the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive drug. Caffeine keeps you awake by halting the effect of the neurotransmitter adenosine. When adenosine binds to receptors in your brain it makes you feel tired. Caffeine binds to the receptors that adenosine would usually bind to, which means adenosine can’t have its effect. This stops you from feeling drowsy.Pendant size: 25x23mm
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  • $35 +
    Neuron Earrings
    Neurons are brain (or nerve) cells that process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals. There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain. They form a complex web making an estimated 100 trillion connections. It’s because of this complexity we are able to do everything from moving to thinking. Pendant size: 28x18mm
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  • $28 +
    Neuron Studs
    Neurons are brain (or nerve) cells that process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals. There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain. They form a complex web making an estimated 100 trillion connections. It’s because of this complexity we are able to do everything from moving to thinking.Size: 13x21mm
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  • $70 +
    Sterling Silver Serotonin Studs
    Serotonin is a chemical neurons (brain cells) use to communicate. Serotonin is how our brain tells us we are happy. Serotonin is also responsible for regulating mood, appetite and sleep.Low levels of serotonin can cause depression, which is why antidepressants can be used to boost serotonin levels. Many hallucinogenic substances also work via the serotonin pathway.
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  • $30 +
    Serotonin Earrings
    Serotonin is a chemical neurons (brain cells) use to communicate. Serotonin is how our brain tells us we are happy. Serotonin is also responsible for regulating mood, appetite and sleep.Low levels of serotonin can cause depression, which is why antidepressants can be used to boost serotonin levels. Many hallucinogenic substances also work via the serotonin pathway.
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  • $95 +
    Sterling Silver Neuron Earrings
    Neurons are brain (or nerve) cells that process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals. There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain. They form a complex web making an estimated 100 trillion connections. It’s because of this complexity we are able to do everything from moving to thinking. Pendant size: 28x18mm
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  • $35 +
    Oxytocin Earrings
    Oxytocin is commonly known as the bonding hormone. This is what causes the feeling of love. When you hug someone a small amount of oxytocin is released which helps you to bond with the other person.Oxytocin also triggers contractions and helps to strengthen your attachment to your newborn child. Empathy and trust are both enhanced by oxytocin
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  • $28 +
    DNA Studs
    DNA is the molecule that carries all the instructions to make you, you. All life has DNA. You get your DNA from your parents. However, mutations in DNA can occur, which, together with evolution through natural selection is why life can be so varied.The DNA double helix shape represents the two strands of DNA joined together by theme bases (the ‘rungs’ in the ladder).
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  • $28 +
    Serotonin Studs
    Serotonin is a chemical neurons (brain cells) use to communicate. Serotonin is how our brain tells us we are happy. Serotonin is also responsible for regulating mood, appetite and sleep.Low levels of serotonin can cause depression, which is why antidepressants can be used to boost serotonin levels. Many hallucinogenic substances also work via the serotonin pathway.Length: 20mm
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  • $25 +
    Small Dinosaur Earrings
    Small Dinosaur Earrings
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  • $65 +
    Sterling Silver Neuron Studs
    Neurons are brain (or nerve) cells that process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals.There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain. They form a complex web making an estimated 100 trillion connections. It’s because of this complexity we are able to do everything from moving to thinking.
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