Hayfever & Decongestant Balm



Amazingly effective natural antihistamine and decongestant helping to ease the symptoms of hayfever and other respiratory problems like stuffy noses from colds.  Designed for the young ones as an alternative to commercial vapour rubs.

Organic Oils used are known to ease headaches, enhance cognitive performance, are anti-inflammatory providing an instantaneous cooling and calming effect.

What to do: Rub on the chest, soles of the feet (particularly for the younger ones) or apply to top lip. 

Pair with:  Natural Hayfever & Sinus Remedy Spritzer

Safety: Safe to use from 12 months but only on soles of the feet for babies - please patch test before use. 


Ingredients: Organic

Therapeutic essential oils of Lemongrass , Lavender , Rosemary , Clove Bud , Peppermint ,  with a base of Sweet Almond & Candelilla wax.

Please store in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Patch test before use. Seek advice from a medical practitioner if you have any concerns. 

Please note this product contains Peppermint (menthol content) which is in a safe dilution, however, for people who suffer from epilepsy or who are in the early stages of pregnancy, please speak to your doctor or midwife before using this product. High blood pressure people please seek advice before using. 

Ora Aromatherapy
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