Addiction Salmon Bleu- Puppy


Salmon Bleu for Puppies is a complete and balanced meal specially formulated with the optimum fat and protein levels for your growing puppy's needs. This gentle formula uses New Zealand King Salmon as the star ingredient paired with wholesome fruits and vegetables. It's rich in Omega-3 fatty acids from Salmon and Flaxseed to promote your puppy's skin and coat health. Salmon Bleu offers a delectable and delicate flavor that puppies will love.

Features sustainably sourced New Zealand King Salmon as the star ingredient

Enhanced with Omega-3 fatty acids from Salmon and Flaxseed to promote skin and coat health

Enriched with Chelated Minerals to help boost your puppy's nutrient absorption

Free from GMOs and added growth hormones


Supplemented with Taurine to promote heart and eye health

Northland Petfood
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