Scratch map - 3D globe

Do you like exploring more than just your backyard are you a bit of an international explorer and love collecting the travel mile points then dont waste time showing off by sticking pins in world maps and ruining your wall at the same time get yourself this amazing scratch-a-globe this 3D paper globe gives you a new way make your mark on the world as you travel the globe comes printed on 100% recycled card which comes ready fold and assemble into a 3-dimensional globe without any need for glue. The globe is printed with a special metallic foil that allows you mark your travels by scratching off the places you've seen reveal a burst of color underneath. Now lets see where we can scratch off australia brazil usa africa oh yes and timbuktu the thought of scratching off new destinations serves as a great incentive pack your suitcase and take a well deserved break failing that lie just make sure youve got a story if you scratch off antarctica. Also a neat tool for students track their studi...
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