DRS® 40 Needle Microneedle Derma Stamp (10 Needle Lengths Available)


The small size of the DRS 40 needle derma stamp allows you to easily spot treat skin issues, without the need to microneedle the surrounding healthy skin. With 10 needle lengths available, from 0.20mm to 3.00mm you'll be able to treat everything from fine lines to deep stretch marks

What Is Microneedling?

In short, microneedling is a form of collagen induction therapy, through which your skin is punctured with many tiny needles so as to encourage a healing response from your body.

What Skin Conditions Can Microneedling Treat?

Microneedling has been shown (through both clinical and testimonial evidence) to have efficacy in treating a number of different skin issues. It can be used to treat:

- Wrinkles & fine lines
- Skin tightness
- Scarring
- Burns
- Stretch marks
- Hyperpigmentation
- Hypopigmentation
- Sagging skin (to a small extent)
- Sun damage
- Hair loss

This list is not exhaustive.

Is This Scientifically Proven?

Yes, a number of studies have been done on microneedling over the past few years (and decades even). For instance, check out this study done on  stretch marks  (stretch marks are also referred to as striae distensae).

Product Specifications:

Colour:  White
Needle length: 0.20mm, 0.25mm, 0.30mm, 0.50mm, 0.75mm, 1.00mm, 1.50mm, 2.00mm, 2.50mm, 3.00mm
Needle quantity: 40
Needle type:  Titanium

Which Needle Length Should I Choose?

This depends on what you are trying to achieve. Our blog post has more information on this: https://microneedling.co.nz/blogs/news/microneedling-which-needle-length-and-material-is-best

Stamp or Roller, Which Is Better?

Derma stamps are great for treating small areas whilst rollers tend to be better at treating larger areas.

For this particular model, we would recommend it for spot treating small areas of skin. It would make a great choice for treating individual acne scars.

Usage Instructions:
- Sterilize the stamp head prior to use.
- Firmly (but not aggressively) stamp your skin 4 to 8 times in total.
- Clean your derma stamp once finished.

Make sure to allow enough time in between treatments for your skin to fully heal.

We recommend that you apply a skin rejuvenation cream before and/or after the treatment. To begin with, you should stick to creams which are not too strong (so  no  Retin-A with your first treatment). Hyaluronic acid is a safe option.

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