DRS® 1200 Needle Microneedle Derma Roller (10 Needle Lengths Available)


The DRS 1200 needle derma roller is our largest model available. Its extra wide design allows areas such as the belly or legs be treated in only a short amount of time.

What Is Microneedling?

In short, microneedling is a form of collagen induction therapy, a factually proven treatment for a wide range of skin conditions ranging from minor skin wrinkles to deep stretch marks. The DRS derma roller comes in 10 different needle length sizes and therefore is able to treat the full range of skin problems.

What Skin Conditions Can Microneedling Treat?

Microneedling has been proven to treat a number of different skin problems, such as:

- Wrinkles

- Skin tightness
- Scarring
- Burns
- Stretch marks
- Hyperpigmentation
- Hypopigmentation
- Sagging skin (to a small extent)
- Sun damage

It's also been used as a method of rejuvenating hair growth.

Is This Scientifically Proven?

Yes, a number of studies have been done on microneedling over the past few years (and decades even). For instance, check out this study done on  stretch marks  (stretch marks are also referred to as striae distensae).

Product Specifications:

Colour:  Black
Needle length:  0.20mm, 0.25mm, 0.30mm, 0.50mm, 0.75mm, 1.00mm, 1.50mm, 2.00mm, 2.50mm, 3.00mm
Needle quantity: 1200
Needle type:  Titanium

Which Needle Length Should I Choose?

Choosing the correct needle length is very important when it comes to treating your skin condition. There's no point in using a short 0.20mm derma roller on deep stretch marks, as the needles won't penetrate far enough into the skin to reach the actual skin damage. On the other hand, you shouldn't use a 3.00mm derma roller on wrinkles, as you'll be causing a lot more skin trauma than is required.

Check out our guides which will advise you on which needle length you require.

Usage Instructions:
- Sterilize the roller head prior to use.
- Firmly (but not aggressively) roll your skin 4 to 8 times in total. Left to right, then top to bottom, then diagonally both ways.
- Clean your roller once finished.

We recommend that you apply a skin rejuvenation cream before and/or after the treatment. Hyaluronic acid is a safe and effective option. We recommend you do not use any retinoid products with microneedling as they can be harsh on the skin.

For more detailed instructions on how to use the derma roller, please check out our  online guides.

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