Manuka Essentials

We create awesome personal care products using East Cape mnuka oil. Proudly made in New Zealand from quality natural ingredients
  • $40 +
    The Ultimate Beard Oil
    Lush Beard, Bro.Hygienic conditioning oil for your beard hairs.Let’s not beat around the bush. Your beard gets grubby as - you love to touch it (and so do your friends, partner/s, and complete strangers), but you also love to touch a stack of other things - like your phone, door knobs, other pe...
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  • $40 +
    The Ultimate Skin Oil
    Glow Up, Folks.Healing skin oil for your face & body.Now this - THIS is the ultimate skincare product. We all have a “type”, but it doesn’t matter what it is with this one - dry skin, acne-prone skin, sensitive skin, oily skin, whatever skin - this delectably scented, healing, plant-...
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  • $40 +
    The Ultimate Shave Oil
    Crop the Fuzz, Cuz.Oil you can shave with.Not feeling the au natural look? We love a wild forest - but not everybody enjoys overgrowth abounding on their face or body. You don’t have to get all synthetic about it though. a nourishing, plant-based alternative to shaving with chemically-laden fo...
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  • $15 +
    The Ultimate Shave Bar
    Get Smooth As.Shave bar for your face & body.Love that smooth as a dolphin feeling from top to toe? Or maybe a soft kissy chin area or a sultry, silky leg is your bag. Whatever and wherever you shave (we don’t judge), what you definitely don’t want is a whole load of nasty chemicals leach...
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  • $15 +
    The Ultimate Beard Bar
    Scrub Up Good.Shampoo for your beard.That majestic beard of yours can get hella grotty. Even if you manage to keep your mitts off your face, just existing in the world is enough to fill your chin-mane with all sorts of germs and pollutants. Your beard is pretty close to your mouth, so that’s...
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