
Little Worlds NZ create unique and exciting Terrariums, Dream Gardens and Kokedama. We are passionate about creating joy and connecting people to nature. We also hold Kokedama classes, teaching people how to create their very own Kokedama. All products made with NZ plants and succulents, mixed glasswear and containers
  • $75 +
    20cm Fish Bowl Terrarium
    This smaller Terrarium contains two small indoor plants or succulents and stones. Please note plant availability changes, I'm happy to let you know what's available at the time of purchase via email or phone.All our Terrariums are made with a style or theme in mind, some of our popular styles are:W...
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  • $120 +
    25cm Fish Bowl Terrarium
    This Mid-Sized Terrarium contains three small indoor plants or succulents, stones, and driftwood. Please note; Plant availability changes,  I'm happy to let you know what's available at the time of purchase via email or phone. All our Terrariums are made with a style or theme in mind, some of our...
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  • $180 +
    30cm Fish Bowl Terrarium
    This is my mid-large size Terrarium it contains four small mixed indoor plants or succulents, stones, driftwood plus a surprise treasure. Plant availability changes, I'm happy to let you know what's available at the time of purchase via email or phone.All our Terrariums are made with a style or the...
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