BMX On Bike Only Program


Sign up for 8 weeks and save $10 or 12 weeks and save $20!


Are you struggling with direction and unsure how to create effective and progression for all of your on bike training sessions?

The On Bike Program brings you world class individualised programming based and built off your needs! perfect for those of any age and level who want to build structure into your training sessions and continue to progress your skill, speed and training routines.


On Bike Program includes:

PLANNING: Discuss with Kurt and set short and long term goals, season planning and training periodisation set around your race calendar and agreed goals.

MINDSET BLUEPRINT:  Kurt will challenge you to identify areas of weakness, strengths, good and bad habits, set objectives and goals to move forward with each training session. Kurt will also help  Identify   how your mind works so we can begin to build a pathway to a pressure proof mindset! Working with Kurt - creating a weekly mental schedule/ plan for each week, develop routines around training and on bike efforts. Blue Print also includes training and race day mindset templates to maximise learning more.

DELIVERY: Your program will be available via app, a free download to any smart phone or tablet where you can input workout data, video, online diary, track workout progressions, pre and post training questionnaire and more!

OVERVIEW: Based off your schedule Kurt will create a day-to-day periodised and individual training schedule for the duration of your purchase (sent in 4 week blocks).

ON BIKE : Kurt will provide detailed track and sprint sessions and assist you with providing warm up and recovery protocol, advise duration and intensity of sessions based off your weekly training and periodisation. 

VIDEO TECHNIQUE REVIEWING:  Limited video reviewing to ensure your performing movements effectually and safely.

SUPPORT: Open communication with Kurt to ensure you’re on track with your program and goals. Weekly feedback questionnaires helps ensure you’re accountable to your own training and the areas where you can improve. 


- BONUS! Gain access to a client only demonstration video bank for cover all technical aspects including: sprint work, gate and exercise technique.


Step 1: Complete the online purchase.

Step 2: KP Performance will be In contact with a questionnaire.

Step 3: Return the questionnaire and Kurt can best program for your needs.

Step 4: Begin your blue print and commence training and filming.


Have any questions? Get in touch!


PLEASE NOTE: Once your program has been sent no refund will be available.

KP Performance
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