Classic Premium Sheepskin Rug: 1.5 Pelt


Extra-large luxurious one-and-a-half pelt sheepskin rug. Ideal for draping over a favourite armchair or as a bedside rug. Excellent value, naturally soft and comfortable using a gentle tanning process.

- The tannery uses only the best pelts that are carefully matched and expertly sewn together
- Colors include ivory white, black, brown tip, grey tip, honey, chocolate & grey
- We keep the natural ivory white color in stock, which is generally closer to the natural color of a sheep, which means it is normally a creamy white with some yellow to it
- Dyed rugs are typically shipped within 4 to 21 days. As the dyed rugs are all made to order, we can't cancel an order if work has started on your rug and exchanges/refunds aren't possible (unless defective)
- The dyeing of natural sheepskin wool can vary due to variations in the uptake of the dye into the wool fibres and differences between batches of dye

Kiwi Sheepskins
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