Catnip: A Cat in the Family (Pet Refuge Fundraiser)


100% of proceeds go to Pet Refuge!

Catnip: A Cat in the Family is the creation of Wellington photographer Jo Moore who has kindly donated copies to help us raise money for Pet Refuge - a very important charity providing shelter and care for pets of people affected by domestic violence.

This beautiful volume showcases  the individuality of over 80 cats and the connections they have with their humans through Jo's exquisite photography and the loving words of the kitties' humans.

"I love cats. I’m little obsessed with them. I love my own cats, my sister’s cat, my best friend’s cat, any random cat on the street … in fact, all cats. I find them beautiful and fascinating. For me, cats are my catnip.

 But not everyone feels the same. With the increasing anti-cat sentiment in the past few years across various media platforms, I wanted to show how cat lovers see their cat companions." - Jo Moore


- Printed on environmentally responsible paper, produced using Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF), Third Party certified pulp from Responsible Sources and manufactured under the strict ISO14001 Environmental Management System.
- A4 soft cover with 174 pages.

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