Save the Planet - Protect Natural Habitats

Michelle Dawson
Author: Claire Llewellyn
Publisher: Chrysalis Children's Books, United Kingdom (2003)

We live on an amazing planet. As far as we know the Earth is the only place in the whole universe where life is found. But this precious planet is under threat ...

How should we protect habitats that the world's wilde plants and animals live in? How can we stop polluting the landscape with waste? The answers to these and many oyther questions about saving energy are explored in this colourful and informative book for young readers.

Topics include:
* What are habitats?
* Looking after habitats
* Living together
* Litter
* A better way with litter
* Polluting the soil
* Life-giving plants
* Protecting animals
* Wildlife in our towns
* A better way for wildlife
* Small actions, big results
* Over to you!
* Glossary

* Over to you!
* Glossary

Hardcover, 32 pages (new)
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