DIY Pest Control

DIY Pest Control solutions for New Zealand commercial & residential customers. New Zealand's only council compliant DIY Pest Control solutions for retail food providers. DIY bed-bug monitoring solutions for Accomodation providers that work. Access to pest control experts. DIY Pest Control that works
  • $25 +
    Bed bug Monitor
    Provide an immediate resolution to a guest's bed bug complaints. In 99% of cases the bites will  not  be bed bugs. Bug King's Passive Monitor allows you to confidently show a guest the bites are not from bed bugs.Bug King Passive Monitors are unobtrusive devices that are installed at the head end ...
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  • $279 +
    Bed bug Control Package
    Provide an immediate resolution to a guest's bed bug complaints. In 99% of cases the bites will  not  be bed bugs. Bug King's Passive Monitors allow you to confidently show a guest the bites are not from bed bugs.Bug King Passive Monitors are unobtrusive devices that are installed at the head end ...
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