Freestanding Boxing Bag


The freestanding boxing bag meets your all-around workout needs and can be used at home or at the gym.

With its freestanding design it gives you the flexibility to move it around and is perfect to use in spaces where the bag cannot be attached to a beam or ceiling.

The freestanding bag is especially good for those who want to work on combinations and speed.

It’s easy to assemble by filling the base with water and then sliding the bag over the top.

- 140cm High by 140cm circumference
- Height 175cm from ground to top
- Base dimensions 68cm x 68cm x 38cm, holds 100 litres; when full the weight is 120kg
- Used for Punching, Elbows, knees and kicks

You won’t find a 'NEW' Free Standing Bag for this price anywhere in NZ.

- One retailer $729
- Another retailer $599
- Counterpunch $577 !

Do not put Free Standing Bag on concrete when punching as it can rub through and water will leak out, most other surfaces are fine.

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