
The Chanui Story Chanui is a New Zealand owned and operated company that manufactures tea and biscuits. We are the fastest growing tea and biscuit company in New Zealand
  • $49 +
    Special Reserve 500s
    This is the tea that our founder, Doug craved and went in search of all those years ago. Classic, strong, in the old days they would call this builders' tea or gumboot tea because it's wonderfully strong, no-nonsense and robust in flavour. Perfectly accompanied by a couple of Chanui Anzac biscuits...
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  • $27.50 +
    Peppermint 100s
    Lift your spirits with the aromatic zing of a pure peppermint tea. One hundred percent peppermint, this peppy brew is caffeine-free, and delicious hot or cold.Peppermint tea is the perfect post dinner drink to help you unwind before bed after a busy day. If you’re looking to incorporate long-t...
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  • $27.50 +
    Lemon Green 100s
    Combining the natural zing of green tea and a subtle scent of fresh lemons, this modern classic blends delicate leaves from the Sri Lankan hills and China's Hunan Province for a well-rounded, honey-coloured healthy brew.Lemon green tea is an excellent choice for those on a health-kick due to its app...
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  • $97 +
    Earl Grey 500s
    Did you know that bergamot is a type of orange, and its peel is used to give this tea its distinct, citrus flavour? So a-peel-ing and quintessentially British! Along with other black tea , earl grey is believed to have digestive and cardiovascular benefits. The addition of bergamot essential oil br...
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  • $97.50 +
    English Breakfast 500s
    A universally-loved blend ideal for Kiwis’ taste buds, this robust tea harks from the renowned Dimbulla region of Western Sri Lanka. Full-bodied, dark, rich and intensely satisfying. Available as leaf tea and tea bags.Drinking blended black tea first-thing in the morning is a time-honoured trad...
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  • $97 +
    Organic Green 500s
    Slightly less sweet, and less astringent than other green tea, this Chinese blend is sometimes called ‘Precious Eyebrows’ due to the shape of the hand-rolled leaves. Pluck yourself a pack! Available as leaf tea and tea bags.Green tea is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, antioxida...
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