2 x rfid collar tags

We recommend that you use the sureflap microchip pet door or catdoor with your pets veterinary inserted microchip however if your pet is not microchipped the sureflap rfid collar tag is available as an alternative sureflap rfid collar contain a code that is unique your pet so that if other pets in the neighbourhood have a sureflap collar tag or any other type of collar tag used in selective pet doors they will not be able gain access. Compatible with all versions of the sureflap microchip pet door. Compatible with the sureflap microchip cat door with serial numbers higher than 1152201. For use with non-microchipped pets. Each collar tag has a unique code. Each pack contains two collar tags. Collar tag diameter mm. Weighs just 2g. One collar tag is supplied with the sureflap microchip pet door the sureflap microchip cat door is not supplied with a collar tag.
cat door company
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