Post Bump Sitz Bathe

Postpartum Sitz Bath

Post Bump Sitz Bath has been specifically formulated to help with relief and recovery after childbirth. If you have an ouchie, perineal pain, stitches, episiotomy, graze or a tear you might find relief with this Sitz bathe.

Directions for use 

Wait three days after giving birth to use SITZ BATHE. Use warm water, not hot. Shallow fill the bathtub or bowl with 5 –10cm warm water. Add 1-2 scoops stir to dissolve. Cover your whole vaginal area with the warm Sitz bathe. Bathe or soak the area for 10 mins up to 3 times per day. Gently pat dry.

Made in New Zealand

Ingredients – Dead Sea Salt, Sodium bicarbonate

Sitz Bath
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