Lip Blush

or Lightening  $449

If your goal is fuller lips a lip blush and lightening treatment works wonders.  Permanent makeup  can create fuller-looking lips far more effectively than botox or fillers can. Our Royal Oak-based  cosmetic tattooing salon  welcomes clients across Auckland, including Mt Roskill and Hillsborough. We welcome clients from outside of the Auckland region too!

We do it all when it comes to lips; whether you're after a classic lip blush look or need a lighter tone for darker skin, look no further than our lip blush, lightening and liner tattoo services. L ip blush and lightening is designed to enhance your natural lip colour, leaving you with a subtle, long-lasting lip colour that looks natural and beautiful. Whether you're after lip blush microblading or a more traditional lip blush tattoo, we can help you achieve the look you desire. 

The final healed colour saturation is similar to that of a tinted lip balm.

A Lip treatment can dramatically improve:

Lip Definition


Loss of colour from the aging process

Darkening of lips due to the sun and smoking

Thin Lips 

This is a two step process and a touch-up appointment is recommended 6 weeks after the initial appointment. The cost for the follow up appointment is $200. Upkeep is required on an 12-18 monthly basis to keep your lips looking fresh.
Please note: If you have had a cold sore in the past, we advise that you consult with a doctor to obtain an anti-viral medication prior to any lip procedure as a preventative.

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