Luxury Christmas Cupcakes


Our beautiful and delicious Christmas Cupcakes are the ultimate in luxury! Enjoy a mouth-watering combination of delicious flavours- Scorched Almond, Red Velvet Raffello, Spiced Apple, White Christmas, Lemon Cheesecake, and Chocolate Pud, all beautifully decorated in the Christmas theme, sure to wow your friends and family.

Perfect as a festive gift or a special treat for your celebration, and of course essential for your Christmas table!

Our beautiful white gift boxes, with a ribbon and an optional gift card, make gift giving easy. Choose a Box of 2, Box of 4 for pick up only, Box of 6, or Box of 12 for either pick up or delivery.

We deliver to Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt, Wellington, and Porirua until Saturday 23rd December- don't miss out!

A Cake Creation
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