Badass Brownies

Badass Brownies
  • $49.50 +
    Merry Christmas
    Christmas brownies, hurry down my chimney tonight. Filled with tart cranberries and toasty Christmas spices, think of these as fruit mince pies without the fruit mince.If you've been naughty this year, leave a plate of these out for Santa with a glass of milk, and he just might put you back on the n...
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  • $49.50 +
    After Dinner Excite-MINT (V/DF/EF)
    The inventors of after-dinner mints knew what they were doing – after all, a little chocolatey snack always goes down a treat in the evening. Well, we’ve taken after-dinner mints to a whole new level with our chocolate mint brownie! And just like the original, our brownies taste delish at ...
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  • $49.50 +
    Sensationally Plain
    Far from the plain Jane of our range, the Brownies are a full-on chocolate-on-chocolate hit. You can't beat a classic – an ice cream on a sizzling summer day, a sausage squirted with plenty of tomato sauce, or a chocolate brownie packed with rich chocolatey chunks and an ooey-gooey centre.Delve...
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  • $49.50 +
    Raspberry & Chocolate (V/DF/EF)
    Raspberry and dark chocolate are an unbeatable combination, but we found a way to make it even better! This brownie contains no eggs, dairy, gluten, nuts, or vegans, so it can be enjoyed by anyone without the nasty backlash. Rich, velvety dark chocolate pairs perfectly with tart, sweet raspberries t...
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  • $49.50 +
    Deliosa Dulce
    Is it getting a little chilly at your place? Spice up your life with this Mexican-inspired brownie. We have bathed our usual brownie mix in a blend of cinnamon and smoky, earthy chillies. It’s a little bit hot, a little bit not. The heat from the chillies is very mild, just a whisper, really. A...
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  • $49.50 +
    Jaffa (V/DF/EF)
    Ah, the Vegan Jaffa Brownie – not just another fudging vegan food that tastes like dirt, this brownie is a treat for your senses. Take a bite to experience an orange chocolate sensation like no other!Relax and drink in the rich cocoa flavours expertly paired with sharp, sweet orange juiciness. ...
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  • $49.50 +
    Spiced Chai
    If you love a good spiced chai tea, you’re about to fall head over heels for this brownie. If a chai latte was bitten by a radioactive chocolate spider, this would be the result. With a combination of chocolate and cocoa mixed with classic chai spices, this brownie is sure to be your cup of tea...
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