Christchurch Return Ticket


By adding Return Tickets to your order, you can easily return your used containers back to us! Return Tickets work for empty 5 & 20L containers 

Return Tickets are per-item, so you need to add one ticket per item you want to return. 

Our Return Ticket is only for Christchurch  customers in  Local/Metropolitan delivery zones. If you are unsure if your address is in a Local/Metropolitan delivery zone please email us at

Please Note: Return tickets purchased for ineligible locations will be cancelled and refunded. 

Return Ticket Process

1. Add the number of Return Tickets you need (one per 5 or 20L container) to your order

2. You will get an email from 'Kilmarnock Enterprises Limited' with the return ticket/s 

(We do this manually so it might take a few days to come through, if you still can't see it - check your junk mail) 

3. Follow the instructions on the email to book your collection 


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