Baratza Coffee Grinder Sette 270Wi


The Sette 270Wi has a revolutionary design, offering the ability to grind by weight directly into a portafilter for espresso or a variety of brewing devices. This grinder is the first ever home grinder offering grind by weight directly into your portafilter or grounds bin.

The i in Wi stands for intelligent (This is the Grinders software by Acaia) It instantly calculates and self-adjusts to your dose weight and filters out the variability of coffee that may affect weighing accuracy.

The Sette 270Wi handles your ground coffee with consistency every step of the process.

: - Speed to Grind: Espresso 3.5g/sec-, Manual Brewing 5.5g/sec - Burrs: 40mm Steel By Etzinger - Bean Hopper Capacity: 10 oz (300-400gms) - Grounds Bin Capacity: 5.5oz (160gms)
- Weight: 3.2kg - Dimensions WxHxD: 13 CM / 40 CM / 24 CM

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