T Ā T A R Ā M O A   G L Y C E T R A C T 

Have you been searching for an alternative to alcohol-based tinctures?  

Our range of glycetracts are made with food grade vegetable glycerine - a clear, colourless and odourless liquid with an incredibly sweet taste. Glycerine extracts constituents from plants without the use of alcohol. These extracts are known as "glycetracts" or "glycerites” and are an excellent choice for administering herbal support to people who are sensitive to alcohol for any reason (ie young children, recovering alcoholics and those with liver distress).  Glycetracts have a shelf life of 12 - 24 months.



Tātarāmoa   (Rubus cissoides)   is an effective, calming rongoā rakau that works as a relaxant on our nervous system - Tātarāmoa can help us calm our minds when we're feeling anxious, and can enhance our sleep space.


T O   T A K E :

To take glycetract, add drops directly under the tongue - this gets the active ingredients directly into the bloodstream. You can also dilute glycetract in a small amount of water or juice.


 C O N T A I N S : 

Tātarāmoa   leaves

 Vegetable Glycerine

Distilled Water


S T R E N G T H :

Herb Menstruum Ratio :  1:5

 D O S A G E :

  5 - 20ml per week or 1⁄4 teaspoon daily


 P R E C A U T I O N S :

Do not use during pregnancy or breast feeding

If you have a medical condition or take pharmaceutical drugs, please consult your doctor prior to use.


D I S C L A I M E R :

The information, instruction and general advice provided on our social media is intended as a general reference for further exploration and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment.  Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or breast feeding. 


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