The Little Rock Shop

A selection of crystals and jewellery from our shop in Dunedin, New Zealand
1 to 24 of 33
  • $25 +
    Lapis Lazuli Point
    A little baby , this piece does lean to the side a little but stands perfectly fine!This piece is 39.1g, 7cm in Height and 1.5cm in WidthLapis lazuli - Stone of truth and cognitive activation. Powerful stone for improving memory, problem solving, creativity and communication. Brings harmony to frien...
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  • $35 +
    Nephrite Jade Point
    An exquisite Jade point to bring all the abundance and good luck and health you need! Please note this is not Pounamu, but Chinese Jade!Dimensions: 8cm in Height and 3cm in Diameter, 106.9gNephrite Jade is a stone of calming. Ultimate good luck in all forms and protects against sickness. In ancient ...
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  • $35 +
    Carnelian Tower
    A beautiful Carnelian tower to bring truth and love into your life, it's also an amazing cleansing stone!Dimensions: 68.1g, 7.5cm in Height, and 3cm in DiameterCarnelian - Stone of truth and love. Gives you courage, optimism and curiosity. Can aid in letting go of emotional baggage. Helps to heal re...
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  • $35 +
    Sphalerite Tower
    Gorgeous Sphalerite Points with Druzy inclusions!Point 1 - 79.3g, 8.5cm in Height, 2.8cm in diameterPoint 2 - 75.5, 8cm in Height, 2.5cm in DiameterSphalerite is a grounding stone that simulatiously brings forth drive to achieve your goals. It activates your lower three chakras. Helps to build and u...
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  • $35 +
    Goldstone Tower
    Goldstone is a stone of ambition. Helps achieve goals with persistence and ambition. Helps you think clearly. Builds confidence and belief in oneself. Brings emotional stability. Eases pain associated with arthritis. Attracts abundance. Is very grounding.Height : 9.3cmWeight : 98.2g
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  • $35 +
    Blue Goldstone Tower
    Blue Goldstone is a stone for those whose dreams were shattered by the insensitivity of adults around them at an early age, a reminder of what has been and what can still be achieved. Thought to assist with migraine relief, headaches, and visual disturbances. Helpful after surgery and intensive chemical therapies. Associated with the Throat, Brow, and Crown Chakra.Height : 8.5cmWeight : 85.5g
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  • $35 +
    Peach Moonstone
    Peach Moonstone is a stone of consoling and self love. Supports the hearts as it stimulates the mind, soothing worry and anxiety. Brings out the best in people. It's loving energies promote the divine in all situations. Is an emotional support for intuitive and sensitive young people. Associated with the Crown and Sacral Chakra.Height : 9.7cmWeight : 83.1g
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  • $35 +
    Sodalite Tower
    Sodalite is a stone of harmony. Reconnects the higher mind to the body, releases fear, and tension held in both. Will provide insight into yourself and allow you to take a better look into your strengths and weaknesses. Improves intuition, instincts, and helps you express your truth. Relieves menopausal symptoms. Associated with the Throat and Third Eye Chakra.Height : 7.2cmWeight : 59g
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  • $35 +
    Moss Agate Tower with Carnelian Inclusions
    Moss agate is a stone of earth connection. Brings forth harmony, hope, trust and reduces stress. Boosts the immune system, is an anti-inflammatory, and helps the circulatory system. Can assist midwives in their work, reducing pain, and ensuring a good delivery. Benefits those who work outdoors. Allows for gentle grounding. Heart and Base Chakra.Height : 8.5cmWeight : 85.5g
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  • $10 +
    Pink Opal Tower
    Beautiful small pink opal towers.Height: approximately 5.5cmWidth: approximately 2cmPink opal - brings peace and release to ones heart, allowing one to discharge past tension and stress. It can be used to keep ones connection to the angelic realms. Pink opal may be particularly useful to those with ...
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  • $15 +
    Tigers Eye Tower
    Gorgeous small gold tigers eye towers.Height: approximately 5-6cmWidth: approximately 2-2.5cmGold tigers eye - Stone of luck and motivation. Aids in the development of courage, strength of mind, self-confidence and optimism. Can attract good fortune. Boosts the endocrine system and can stimulate fer...
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  • $20 +
    Rainbow Fluorite Tower
    Online only small rainbow fluorite towers.Height: approximately 7cmWidth: approximately 2cmRainbow fluorite - Stone of balance and confidence. Cleanses are repairs the auric field. Calms a chaotic mind and promotes free thinking, flexibility and freedom of choice. Ideal for "indigo children" to expe...
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  • $15 +
    Opalite Tower
    Absolutely radiant wee opalite towers.Height: approximately 5-6cmWidth: approximately 2cmOpalite - Stone of peace and spirituality. Boosts ones self-esteem, improving self worth and personal power. Can help one to let go. Works to enhance psychic abilities. Balances, stabilises and removes blockages in chakras and meridians. Often associated with the third eye chakra.
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  • $15 +
    Rhodonite Tower
    Stunning baby rhodonite tower.Height: approximately 5cmWidth: approximately 2.5cmRhodonite - Stone of confidence and optimism. Is said to be a talisman of protection for babies and travellers. Helps one to achieve balance and harmony within their life. Can help one in processing emotional pain, hear...
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  • $30 +
    Moss Agate Towers
    Tower #1Stunning tower with large druzy pocket.Height: approx. 7.5cmWidth: approx. 3cmTower #2One of a kind smaller tower.Height: approx. 8cmWidth: approx. 3cmTower #3Beautiful tower with smaller druzy pockets.Height: approx. 6cmWidth: approx. 3cmMoss agate - Stone of earth connection. Enables gentl...
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  • $28 +
    Selenite Tower
    Stunning selenite towers available by themselves or with a lamp.Selenite - Stone of light and ancient wisdom. Best stone to help you meet your spirit guides and angels. Great for grids creating a safe space giving you an uplifting feeling. Supports the muscular, skeletal and nervous systems. Opens and clears the crown and higher crown chakras.Height: approx. 12cm.Width: approx. 4.5cm.
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  • $25 +
    Flower Agate Towers
    Really beautiful flower agate towers.Tower 1:Height: approx. 7cm.Width: approx. 2.5cmTower 2:Height: approx. 6.5cm.Width: approx. 2cm.Flower agate - allows one to move on from past traumatic experiences by opening ones heart to love and growth emotionally and spiritually. This enables one to process...
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  • $25 +
    Smoky Quartz Towers
    Gorgeous smoky quartz towers.Height: approx. 6.5cm.Width: approx. 2.5cm.Smoky Quartz - Stone of protection and grounding. Protects and transmutes negative energy. Improves negative moods quickly and a good stone to use for getting everyone involved and cooperating. Relives chronic pain, muscle cramps, headaches and tension of the shoulders and back. Earth and base chakras.
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  • $35 +
    Amazonite Tower
    Gorgeous amazonite towers.Approx. 3x1inch.  but because they are formed naturally each is slightly different.Amazonite -Stone of courage, truth and hope. Blocks geopathic stress and helps to protect against electromagnetic pollution. A good luck stone for games of chance. Increases self-esteem, and...
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  • $50 +
    Lumerian Aquatine Calcite Tower
    Rare and greatly detailed lumerian aquatine calcite towers.Approx. 3x1inch  but because they are formed naturally each is slightly different.Lumerain aquatine calcite - Helps one explore ancient civilisations assisting in past life recall. A crystal of infinite love promoting empathy an intuition o...
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  • $35 +
    Crazy Lace Agate Tower
    Gorgeous, detailed crazy lace agate towers.Approx. 8.5x2.5cm  but because they are formed naturally each is slightly different.Crazy Lace Agate - Stone of optimism and transformation. Increases mental agility and concentration. Supports, encourages and elevates thoughts, increasing optimism. Stabil...
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  • $20 +
    Green Aventurine Tower
    Stunning small green aventurine towers.Approx. 7x1.5cm  but each is slightly different.Green aventurine - Stone of harmony and healing. Can help to improve relationships, particularly those of a romantic form. Can help to calm oneself assisting in removing anxiety and restlessness. Brings prosperity, success and good luck. Heart chakra.
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  • $35 +
    Strawberry Quartz Tower
    Rich coloured, high quality strawberry quartz towers.Approx. 8x2.5cm  but each is slightly different.Strawberry Quartz - Stone of insight and universal love. Helps you attract your soul mate. Amplifies intentions of love, gratitude and generosity. Will help you gain inspiration on how you can impro...
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  • $50 +
    Apatite Tower
    Really stunning apatite towers.Approx. 3x1inch but each is slightly different.Apatite - Stone of spirituality. Helps psychic powers manifest and one become more attune to the spirit world. Place under your pillow for prophetic dreams. Enhances creativity, encourages healthy eating and helps you lose weight. Helps joints and defuses a short temper. Third eye throat chakras.
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