Boomer Complete Dog Food - Family Dog - Seed and Feed

Boomer Dog Food family dog 20kg Boomer isa range of natural dog food it meets or exceeds AAFCO standards and provides a healthy choice for all breeds large and small Enriched with a natural prebiotic the Boomer Working Dog Food formula ensure your dog's wellbeing is addressed on a daily basis whilst Boomer Complete is ideal for less active or senior dogs. Protein Min 18% Fat Min 10% Fibre Max 6% Salt Max 1% Ingredients Wholegrains prime meat meat by-products derived from beef sheep grain by-products poultry meal tallow oil from vegetable seeds iodised salt vitamins minerals vitamin E enriched Calcium propionate anti-mould Feeding Guide This is a guide give you approximate daily feed quantities for your adult dog.There are a number of factors that need be taken into consideration such as work load weight body condition climate age and breed Toy Dog up 5kg 100g Small Dog 5kg 10kg 100g-200g Medium Dog 10kg 20kg 200g-400g Large Dog 20kg 35kg 400g-700g Giant Dog 35kg -60kg 800g ensure your ...
Seed and Feed Co.
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