Alocasia Stingray (includes Shipping)


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Called the Stingray because of the shape of her leaves, she can get to 1,2m tall if her conditions allow. Repot every 6-18 months and remove any yellowing leaves. She's an easy to care for baby, not too much water, bright light and and sweet talk is all she needs to grow happily!


As with most indoor plants, your Alocasia thrives in bright, indirect light. Direct light will damage her leaves. Ensure she isn't close to an icy window, she wants wants to live in the warmer areas of your home with a bit more humidity.


Water your Stingray in small amounts rather than water logging her. She does not like water logged roots. The alocasia family go through dormancy in the colder months, you will notice the leaves are less bright. Don't worry she will come out of dormancy in spring!


Feed monthly in spring and summer. Do not feed in winter. Rub leaves with alcohol once or twice a year to keep pests at bay!


The Alocasia is toxic, keep out of reach of children and pets.

Plant Baby
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