Good health supercal bond food 150caps

Comprehensive bone formula. Maintenance of bone health. Supports healthy bone density. Promotes optimal calcium levels. Supercal is a synergistic combination of nutrients specifically formulated for total bone support supercal is a high potency supplement containing highly absorbable forms of calcium along with cofactors including magnesium manganese silica boron zinc vitamin k and d necessary for optimal bone health most of the calcium in the body is found in the skeletal system where it is vital for strong healthy bones if dietary intake is inadequate calcium reserves in the bones will be stolen by the body be used for other important roles such as ensuring correct nerve and muscle functioning and assisting with blood clotting available in 70 150 tablets only available in 70's in south africa. Adults take 1 3 tablets daily before meals or as professionally advised. Ingredients per tablet calcium citrate equiv calcium 136mg 650mg calcium hydroxyapatite equiv calcium 140mg 550mg zinc g...
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