Skin Soothing Cat Shampoo Bar


Veterinarian formulated to calm c at skin problems and reduce c at dandruff. Partner with our CBD oil for cats  for optimal results! Key Benefits

- Skin-soothing 
- Non-toxic
- Long-lasting
- Zero Waste 
- Fully recyclable packaging

Formulated with cat skin problems in mind, this cat shampoo bar helps soothe skin by infusing all-natural calming ingredients like aloe vera, shea butter and pine tar with oatmeal to reduce cat dandruff. 

Cat skin problems are more common than people think and often go unnoticed or untreated. Incorporating this cat shampoo into their coat maintenance routine will not only keep their fur and skin happy and healthy but you may help relieve any issues they might be experiencing like cat dry skin. 

- Formulated for hypoallergenic cat skin problems by washing away surface-level irritations, helping keep their healthy coat 
- Nourishing natural ingredients to aid with cat dry skin All natural nourishing ingredients to help hydrate and nourish cat dry skin  
- A great addition to your cat dandruff treatment as hero ingredients like oatmeal as the oatmeal helps remove unwanted flakes and help prevent them from coming back whilst ingredients like aloe vera soothe any irritation the cat dandruff has caused
- Perfect for ongoing cat skin problems and allergies 

Looking for dog shampoo? Check out this  page.  How to use

Tackling cat skin problems can be particularly difficult if your cat is a nightmare when it comes to ‘bath time’. Whilst we would recommend washing their whole coat to remove all dirt and irritates if your cat is water aversive and a full bath is out of the question we recommend giving a localised bath. 

Massage the bar into your cat’s wet coat creating a luxurious lather, then rinse thoroughly and repeat if needed. If opting for a localised bath, make sure the irritated area is completely wet and massage the cat shampoo into this area, rinsing thoroughly before drying. 

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