The Deluxe Bouquet


We offer Fresh Flower Delivery to Waihi, Waihi Beach, Athenree, Katikati, Omokoroa, Tauranga, Mount Maunganui and Papamoa town addresses.

Delivery Fee is calculated at check out based on the address you require flowers delivered to.

A large bouquet featuring and assortment of luxury market fresh flowers and textured foliage.

Your bouquet will be wrapped in our signature recycled kraft paper and cello, completed with ribbon and a complimentary handwritten Mini Petals note card attached (add your message at check out)

Check out our beautiful NZ made cards to add something a little more personal.

IMPORTANT DELIVERY INFORMATION : Your Order will be delivered on your chosen date above. Please ensure that the delivery address is correct and you include any instructions should the home be difficult to find or have a closed gate. If there is no one home, our courier will leave the flowers in the safest place available.

Collection from our Waihi Beach studio is also possible, please email us with a copy of your order confirmation to arrange this.

Delivery Fees are calculated at the next step.

YOUR PERSONAL MESSAGE: We include a hand written note with all our deliveries - enter your message at the next step.

As seasons change, so too do flowers. The photos shown are for style reference only. All Mini Petals designs are unique and one-of-a-kind. The arrangement you receive will depend on season and availability. Please contact the studio if you are requesting specific varieties. .

Mini Petals
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