
Welcome to Limber where you can find World's Healthiest Floor to Standing Desks, Tools & Educational content to help you beat back pain
  • $2,899 +
    Limber Linear Desk + Posture Course
    Called "the world's healthiest desk" by professors at UC Berkeley. The larger traditional shaped Limber Linear provides a little bit more room if you need it. 1200mm wide by 745mm deep desktop surface.Bundle with integrated power and stool upgrades to get discounts. We pass the Integrated power Â...
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  • $2,799 +
    Limber Petal Desk + Posture Course
    Called "the world's healthiest desk" by professors at UC Berkeley. The original Limber Desk shape, the Limber Petal, gives you all the space you need and reduces your footprint so you can fit snug into the corner of a room, 3 along a wall, or fit 6 Petals in a full flower to utilise the most ef...
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