Pocket radar ball coach radar speed detector worlds smallest radar

Pocket radar -ball coach radar speed detector worlds smallest full performance radar pocket radar -ball coach is the worlds smallest full performance radar gun measuring in kph or mph your choice the ball coach is specifically designed measure the fastest speed of a ball in flight works great for cricket baseball softball tennis volleyball hockey and other smaller ball sports easy trigger capabilities eliminate any timing requirements simply hold the button down well before the ball is in flight and release once the speed is displayed enter constant-on mode provide automatic triggering without the press of a button. Ball coach measures from 40 kph 209 kph and is accurate within /- 2 kph has 37 meters of range on a baseball and 25 deep memory. Package includes soft-shell belt holster case wrist strap illustrated quick start guide. This award-winning device delivers the same great accuracy and performance as other professional radar guns at a fraction of the and cost the pocket radars in...
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