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for ‘Children ×
  • $23.81 +
    Kiwiherb Children's Chest Syrup 100ml Kiwiherb
    KiwiHerb Children's Chest Syrup is specifically formulated for children and infants soothe congestion in the chest and bronchial area.This great tasting organic formula targets coughs and chest congestion and has therapeutic actions which make it useful for any kind of cough; chesty spasmodic wet or dry.
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  • $23.81 +
    Kiwiherb Children's Echinature Kiwiherb
    Kiwiherb Children's Echinature is made from certified organic Echinacea root in a base of organic apple juice It is alcohol and preservative free with a great taste.An essential immune product for children of all ages this potent liquid blend is specially formulated support healthy immune function and recovery in children and infants.A Great Immune Booster for the little ones
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