Docs: About

Vendo has three web-based applications:

  • the Vendo front-end search, which allows you to search stores; files are in /var/www/vendorama/data/ - it is a vendo store with the vendor_id 121 (the same as the country_id t make it easier to remember, so if you want to identify NZ centric files and functions look fr 121). the "controller" is really just the file search_vendo.php
  • cart: the Vendo shopping cart, for running your online store; in /var/www/vendorama/cart
  • front: , a front-end control panel for resellers and partners to administer multiple stores' accounts. in /var/www/vendorama/front

Vendo cart is run as a single application, with changes made to the core files updating all sites instantly.

New features are added through extensions which, can be enabled by the store owner, or in preferences if essential to all sites.

Vendo can be also extended at the store level through PHP files located in the vendor's data directory: /php/ or via the web-based admin in Layout > PHP

The design of each site is applied through templates: /templates/ with HTML, CSS, Javascript and images under Layout > Templates


Vendo core is a customer relationship management system (or CRM) for administering the Vendo sites and clients, by partners and resellers.


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